Noteworthy Dates in Scripture

There are a number of specific dates provided in the text of Scripture.
These dates are of great significance.
It’s important for us to attempt to understand more clearly
what these represent and why they are specifically noted.
Typically, they identify a year, month, and day on which an event took place.
YAHWEH does nothing without a reason
we must believe He has a reason
for calling such specific attention to these dates.

The following list of dates needs to be considered
in connection with the specific festivals
that are also identified for us in Scripture.
These are commonly referred to as  "The Feasts of Israel".
More correctly, these need to be viewed
as "The Appointed Times of
They were appointed by Him
as times which were to be honored
as occasions on which those who are His "meet with Him”. 

The combination of The Appointed Times
and the following specific dates
provides an opportunity for us to learn more
YAHWEH's plan for His created world.
May He reveal to you
His intentions behind revealing these dates to us.
This list will present these noteworthy dates
in the order they appear in the text.

Gen. 7.11 - the 600th year of Noah
    - the second month
    - the 17th day
    - The Flood waters begin to flow

Gen. 7.17 - The Flood waters continue 40 days.

Gen. 7.24 - The Flood waters continue to exist for 150 days.
    - at the end of 150 days the flood waters began to recede.

Gen. 8.4 - In the seventh month
    - on the 17th day
(Note: It appears the timing here is different
from what we are given later in Scripture.)
    - The container (commonly called an 'ark') rested on the mountains of Arararat.
      (This is sometimes referred to as Urrartu. It's location is uncertain.)

Gen 8.5 - The waters receded until the 10th month.
   - On the 1st day the tops of the mountains are seen.

Gen 8.6 - 40 days later Noah opens the skylight on the container.
Gen. 8.7 - He sends out the raven.
Gen. 8.8 - He sends out the dove, which returns to him.
Gen. 8.10 - seven days later he sends out the dove again.
    -This time it returns with an olive leaf.
Gen. 8.12 - seven days later he sends the dove out again.
    - this time the dove does not return.

Gen. 8.13 - the 601st year of Noah
    - the first month
    - the waters were dried up from the surface of the earth.
Gen. 8.14 - the second month
    - the 27th day
    - the land is dry.

Gen. 8.15 - Noah is told to exit the container.
Gen. 8.18 - Noah went out of the container.
Gen. 8.20 - Noah built an altar (a place of sacrifice).
    - Noah offered an "olah”.
    - An olah is a sacrifice that is completely consumed by fire.
      It represents total surrender to
      It is commonly called a "burnt offering”.
      Only an undefiled animal was to be used for this offering.

Gen. 8.21-22 - YAHWEH promises
He will never again bring a flood on the earth
to destroy all living beings.
He also states that as long as the earth remains,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
winter and summer,
day and night
will not rest (the concept is that of shabbat, a ceasing).

Gen 9.1 - 7 There is something else of significance
to take note of in the midst of this event.
The diet for human beings is changed.
There is no "fruit of the ground".
Everything has been destroyed by the flood.
Therefore, a diet including "meat" is now granted.
However, no blood is to be eaten.

Also, we note that the animals
will now be afraid of human beings,
and human beings will have dominion over them.

In addition, the spilling of human blood is forbidden.
Murder of a human being is not permitted.
This is a reinforcement of the issue
that occurred with Kayin and Hebel.
Whoever kills another human being
is to be killed by a human being.
This is because the human being
is created in the image of The Elohim,
YAHWEH Himself.
To kill such a being is to "insult" (offend)
(An offense of this kind is what we have come to call "sin”.)

Gen. 9.9 - Second Covenant, with Noah, his seed, and all living beings is instituted.
- The first was to deliver him and those with him from the destruction of The Flood.
- This one is the promise of no more floods to destroy all life.Gen. 9.12-17
This covenant is accompanied by a "sign".The sign is what we call a "rainbow”.

Gen. 9.24-27 This does not have a specific date tied to it, but it is a noteworthy event.
Noah curses Kena'an.
The Land of Kena'an will become The Promised Land.
It is, in a sense, the result of the curse of Kena'an seen here.

He also blesses Shem.
Note: Shem is the basis for the term Shemite, now known as semite.
Anyone speaking against the offspring of Shem is an anti-semite.
From the line of Shem The Hebrew Messiah will come.

Gen. 9.28 Noah lived 350 years after The Flood.
This destroys the argument
that human beings would only live to be 120 after The Flood.
Numerous other lifespans confirm this is false teaching.
Noah died at the age of 950 years.

Gen. 12.4 - Abram was 75 years old when he left Ur of The Chaldeans.
Gen. 16.16 - Abraham (his name was changed)
was 86 years old when Yishma'el was born.
Gen 17.24 - Abraham was 99 when he was circumcised.
Gen. 20.4 - Abraham was 100 when Yitzhak (Isaac) was born.

Exodus 12-2 YAHWEH tells Moshe and Aharon
that a new understanding of time is established.
This leads us to believe there was a different reference to time prior to this.
We have no clear knowledge of what that timing was.
- This date immediately follows The Exodus Event.
- The Passover occurred on the 14th day of this month.
- The month is identified as Nisan (also known as Abib).
- From this point on Nisan is to be considered as the first month of the year.
- This becomes confusing when merged with human traditions,
including the Hebrew practice of numbering the years.
They use Rosh Hoshannah (head of the year) for their dating.
It's believed to represent the first day of Creation,
and therefore the "new year".

Please note that this is in blatant disregard
YAHWEH's Instruction to Moshe and Aharon given here.
This is very difficult to understand.
It represents an act of rebellion against "The Word of

Exod 12.3 - the 10th day of Nisan
- The Passover lamb is to be selected.

Exod 12.6 - the 14th day of Nisan
- The Passover lamb is to be slaughtered, roasted, and eaten.
- Nothing is to remain until morning.

Exodus 12.12 - On this very night, 14 Nisan,
YAHWEH will pass over the children of Yisra'el.
He will not strike them with the death of the firstborn, 
PROVIDED they have been faithful
to prepare The Passover Lamb as instructed.

Exodus 12.14 THIS DAY is to be observed throughout the generations
as a pilgrimage festival.

Exodus 12.15 - This day (14th of Nisan)
begins The Festival of Unleavened Bread.
- It is to continue for seven days.
- A "sacred" assembly is to be held day one and on day seven.

- It was Nisan 15, the very next day,
when Yisra'el left Egypt (Mitsraim - a son of Ham).

Exodus 16.1 - the second month
- The 15th day
- The children of Yisra'el arrived at the Wilderness of Sin (Sometimes, 'Syn').
- The entire assembly complains about a lack of food.
- That evening the quails cover to the camp.
- On the next day, 16 Nisan, The Manna was provided.

Exodus 16.23 - The Sabbath is instituted.
- No one was to go out to gather food or do any "work",
including gathering wood for a fire.
- It was to be a day of rest,
in which
YAHWEH would provide for their needs.

Exodus 16.35 - The manna continued for 40 years.
It ceased when they entered The Promised Land.

Exodus 19.1 - 3rd month
- 1st day
- Yisra'el arrived at The Wilderness of Sinai.
Exodus 19.2 - They camped at Mount Horeb
(also known as Mount Sinai)
- On that day Moshe went up to
YAHWEH on the mountain.

Exodus 19.16 - 3rd month 
- 3rd day
YAHWEH came down upon Mount Sinai.
Exodus 20.1 -

- He spoke "The Ten Words"
(This is the Hebrew terminology used in their culture for this event.).

Exodus 24.3 - The people enter The Covenant with YAHWEH.
- They state, "All the words which
YAHWEH has spoken we will do.
Exodus 24.8 - Moshe sprinkled the people with blood.
- This became a Blood Covenant.

Exodus 24.13 - On that day Moshe went up on the mountain.
Yahoshua, his assistant, went with him.
Exodus 24.15 - A cloud covered the mountain.
Exodus 24.16 - The cloud covered the mountain six days.
- 7th day -
YAHWEH called to Moshe from the cloud.
Exodus 24.18 - Moshe entered the cloud.
- He was on the mountain 40 days and 40 nights.
- He was given The Instructions (The Torah),
including those for The Tabernacle.
Exodus 31.18 - Moshe was given The Tablets of Stone,
engraved by the finger of The Elohim.

Exodus 32.1 - The precise timing is not given,
but the people created the golden calf idol
when Moshe did not come back quickly.
It appears the exact timing is left out of this account
so it would not be memorialized.
Exodus 32.19 Moshe smashes the tablets of stone.
Exodus 32.20 Moshe pulverizes the golden calf idol.
Exodus 32.26-27 Moshe calls for those who are for
and NOT for The Golden Calf idol.
The entire tribe of Levi responds.
Exodus 32.29 - The tribe of Levi becomes the tribe of priests to

Exodus 32.30 - The next day Moshe goes to YAHWEH to intervene for Yisra'el.
Exodus 34.28 - Moshe was with
YAHWEH a second 40 days and 40 nights.
YAHWEH wrote "The Ten Words" on new tablets of stone.

Exodus 40.17 - second year of The Exodus
- 1st month 
- 1st day
- The Tent of Appointment, also called The Dwelling Place, is erected.
Exodus 40.34 The Cloud filled The Dwelling Place.

Lev. 16.29-34 - 7th month
- 10th day
- A day of humbling themselves.
- This is now known as Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement.
- Once each year
the Great Priest was to enter "The Holy Place", The Inner Sanctuary,
and make atonement for the offenses of the people.
- This is an Eternal rule.

Lev. 23.4 - The Appointed Times of YAHWEH are established.

Lev. 23.5 - first new moon (1st month)
- 14th day "between the evenings"
- The Passover to

Lev. 23.6 - 1st month
- 15th day
- The Festival of Unleavened Bread.
- seven days in length

Lev. 23.10 - At the first harvest of the year,
this is the barley harvest another festival occurs.
- It occurs in the month of Nisan/Abib.
- The first "fruits" of the harvest are to be brought to
- A sheaf of grain is "waved" before
- None of the harvest is to be eaten until the offering is presented.
- This is often referred to as The Feast of First Fruits,
but it is often confused
by the first fruits of the wheat harvest which occurs later,
and is known as Pentecost.

Lev. 23.15-21 - The Feast of Shavuot
- This is the wheat harvest.
- It occurs 50 days after The Feast of First Fruits.
- It involves two loaves of bread, one leavened and one unleavened.
- This is the ONLY FEAST
that specifically requires a loaf of LEAVENED bread.
- Leaven typically represents "corruption", fermentation.
- It is symbolic of The Gentile nations.
- In The New Covenant it was at this festival
that the Divine Nature of
YAHWEH was "poured out" as "flames of fire”,
and it began the revelation of YAHWEH's outreach to the Gentiles.
- This is also often called The Feast of First Fruits.
- More properly, it should be called The Feast of Weeks.
- It took place seven weeks plus one day,
50 days, after the barley harvest festival.

Lev. 23.23-32 - 7th month
- 10th day
- The Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur
- "kippur" is from a Hebrew root that means "to cover".
- This terminology occurs in the story of Noah and The Flood.
- It begins at sunset on the 9th day
and continues until sunset on the 10th day.

Lev. 23.34 - 7th month
- 15th day
- The Festival of Sukkot (booths, tabernacles).
- Seven days in length.
- A sacred assembly the first day.
- A sacred assembly the eighth day.
- This is to be a time of GREAT REJOICING!
Note: There is a special tradition associated with the eighth day.
It is known as The Day of Rejoicing The Torah".
They literally dance with The Torah Scroll in their arms.
Note:, this is the only festival that specifies a sacred assembly
on the eighth day.

The fall harvest is understood to be "the final harvest".
After this a new cycle begins.
Hebrew tradition reads the last Torah segment during this festival.
A new Torah cycle then begins,
starting with the first Torah portion being read on the eighth day,
which is a Special Sabbath.
On the eighth day
there is a ceremony that creates "running water" in the Holy Place.
Running water is understood to be "Living Water".
The Messiah is our source for "Living Water" in Scripture.

Much evidence suggests that 

If this is true,
then the "fulfillment" of The Torah occurred at that very time.
YAHUSHUA, The Hebrew Messiah,
proclaimed He had come to establish this fulfillment.
All of this fits Scripture PERFECTLY!
A new "Torah cycle" begins.
He introduces NEW INSTRUCTION to complete (fulfill) The Torah.

Sadly, the Hebrews have failed to make this connection
because they rejected their Messiah.
They will be astonished when they finally recognize The Truth!

Lev. 25.2-7 The Sabbatical Year
Six years the land was to be planted and harvested.
The seventh year it was to be left alone.
Whatever grew could be eaten,
but it was not to be harvested for profit.

Lev. 25.8-17 The Year of The Horn Blast
- This is commonly called The Year of Jubilee.
It occurs in the year following seven Sabbatical years.
In other words, in the 50th year of the cycle.
- In Hebrew
yubal is the word for horn.
It is the source for the term "jubilee".
However, jubilee is not an accurate translation of the term.
The Year of Horn Blast is far more accurate.
The shofar was to be sounded throughout the land in this year.
During this year ALL debts were to be cancelled.
Any sold property was to be returned to its rightful "heir",
the person to whom it was granted by lot
when the territory of Yisra'el was divided among the tribes
and their inheritance was established.
The land was never to be sold indefinitely.
In the 50th year it was to be returned to its rightful "heir”.

This completes "The Appointed Times of YAHWEH."
There are no other such appointed times found in Scripture.
Tradition has added some events
because of things that happened after this list was established.
Included in those are The Feast of Purim, detailed in the Book of Esther,
Hanukkah and a few other Hebrew traditions.
Those were created by human tradition, not by

Num. 1.1 - The first census of Yisra'el.
- The second year of The Exodus
- 2nd month
- 1st day
- Moshe is instructed to take a census
of all the males age twenty and older.
- These are the men going out for war.
- It does not include those who did not go out for war.
- The tribe of Levi was not included.
- The tribe of Yosef (Joseph) included Ephraim and Manashe,
resulting in 12 tribes.
- Levi was claimed by
YAHWEH as His own.
Thus, while there were actually 13 tribes, only 12 were counted.

- The total was 603,550 men of war.

- The tribe of Levi was not counted.
- Women and children were not counted.
- Estimates suggest a total population of 3-4 million people.
- The Levites were numbered separately,
from a month old and upward.
- Their total was 22,273 (Num. 3.43)

Num. 9.1-14 - Second Passover
- If a person was defiled
they were not permitted to celebrate The Passover Festival.
YAHWEH made a provision for a second Passover to be held
to cover this situation.

- It was to be held in
- the 2nd month
- the 14th day of the month

Num. 10.11 - The Cloud Ascends for the First Time
- The children of Yisra'el were instructed
to watch the Cloud over The Tent of Appointment.
- (This is also called The Tabernacle)
- When it lifted up they were to set out on a journey
- When it settled down they were to set up camp.
- In the 2nd year
- on the 20th day
- The Cloud ascended.
- Note that this was after the Second Passover had been completed.
- The people left Mount Sinai
and headed to The Wilderness of Paran.
- The journey took three days (Numb. 10.33).

Num. 11.1 - People complain badly at Taberah.
- This event results in the establishment
of what is now called "The Sanhedrin".
70 men were selected
to help Moshe deal with the people and their issues.
This “council” exists once again in Yisra’el.

Num. 26.1-4 - Second Census
- Men of war, age twenty and upward
- Taken in the Plains of Mo'ab
prior to entry into The Promised Land.
- The total was 601,730.
- Not one of those in the previous census was alive
except Yahoshua, son of Nun, and Kaleb, son of Yefunne.

Num. 28.1-29.39 - Instructions are given regarding the offerings
that are to be presented to
These Instructions reiterate the timing
for The Appointed Times of

Num. 33.3 - Date for The Exodus restated
- 1st month
- 15th day
- This is the day after The Passover.
- Yisra'el leaves Egypt (Mitsraim).

Num. 33.38 - Death of Aharon
- 40th year of The Exodus
- 5th month
- 1st day
- Aharon died at the age of 123 years on Mount Hor
at the edge of the land of Edom.

Deut. 1.2 - 31.6 - Moshe explains The Torah to Yisra'el
- eleven days from Horeb
- in the 40th year of The Exodus
- the 11th month
- the 1st day
- Moshe reviews the history of Yisra'el in their ears.

Deut. 31.10-13 This Torah was to be read to Yisra'el
at the end of seven years
at The Festival of Sukkot.

In other words, it was to be read in The Sabbatical year,
in which debts were forgiven and Hebrew slaves set free.

Deut 34.7- Moshe died at the age of 120 years.
The exact day of his death is not recorded.
His burial place is not known.

Josh. 4.19-24 - Yisra'el enters The Promised Land
- The 1st month
- The 10th day (day for selecting The Passover lamb). 
- Yisra'el crossed The Yarden River
ON DRY GROUND into The Land.
- They took 12 stones from the river bottom
and set them up at Gilgal as a monument of remembrance.

Josh 5.2-10 - Yisra'el is circumcised again.
- Yisra'el had failed to circumcise their males
uring the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.
- As they entered The Promised Land
YAHWEH instructed them do do it again.
- The place was called Gilgal,
meaning 'rolling away' of the disgrace of Egypt.
- Yisra'el prepared The Passover
- on the 14th day at dusk.
- The next day, the 15th,
they ate from the stored grain of The Land.

Josh. 5.12 - The next day, the 16th day, The Manna ceased.

Note: What's not identified in most biblical teaching is this timing.
Please consider this very carefully:
The 14th day is The Passover.
The Lamb is killed.
The meal is eaten.
The Passover occurred - deliverance from a death sentence.
This is very significant.
The Messiah was crucified on the 14th of Nisan.
Taken off the cross before sunset.
Buried in the tomb.
On the THIRD DAY He was raised up!
New life began, Eternal Life!

Do you recognize the timing here
at the entrance into The Promised Land?
The land is entered on the 14th.
Passover is celebrated.
On the 15th the people eat the produce of the land.
On the 16th the manna ceases.
On the 17th - the third day -
a new way of life began in The Land of Promise.

1Kings 6.1 - Building The Temple of YAHWEH
- 480th year of The Exodus
- 4th year of Shelomoh (traditionally, Solomon)
- second month (here identified as Ziv)
- Shelomoh began to build The House Of

1Kings 6.37 - Foundation of Temple laid
- 4th year
- 2nd month (Ziv)
- the foundation of the Temple is established.

1Kings 6.38 - The Temple is completed
- 11th year
- 8th month (here identified as Bul)
- TheTemple is completed.

1Kings 8.2-10 - The Chest of The Covenant brought in
- 11th year
- 7th month
- At the Festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
- No day is noted here,
but it most certainly had to be the first day of the festival.
- The Chest of The Covenant of
YAHWEH was brought into The Temple
- It was placed in the inner sanctuary (Often called "The Holy of Holies").
- This was the most sacred place in The Temple.
- It was here that the Great Priest would meet with
- Note: There was nothing in The Chest
except the two tablets of stone.
- Aharon's Rod and the Ephah of Manna were not there.
- The Scroll of The Torah of Moshe was not there.
- No explanation is given for their absence.
- One The Chest was placed The Cloud filled The Temple.

1Kings 8.65-6 - Festival continued for seven days plus seven days.
- On the eighth day of the second seven days,
thus, on the 15th day of this unique festival,
Shelomoh sent the people home rejoicing with great joy.

2Kings 25.1 Yerushalaim Attacked by the king of Babel
- Note: Yerushalaim is the Hebrew name of the city.
It means complete teaching of peace.
- 9th year of King Tzidkiyah
- 10th month
- 10th day
- Yerushalaim is attacked by Nebukadnetzar, king of Babel.

2Kings 25.2-4 - The Siege
- the siege lasted until the 11th year
- no month is identified
- the 9th day is given
- The wall was split open.
- The people fled, but were captured.

2Kings 25.8-11 - Yerushalaim broken down
- 19th year of Nebukadnetzar
- 5th month
- 7th day
- Nebuzaradan came to yerushalaim
- He set fire to The Temple and all the houses of the city
- He tore down the walls
- He took the people into exile,
leaving only the poor of the land behind.

2Kings 25.27 - Yahoyakin released from prison in Babel
- 12th month
- 27th day
- given a place of honor in Babel.

Jer. 1.1-3 The Word of YAHWEH existed to Yirm'yah
(Traditionally, Jeremiah)
from the 13th year of Yoshiyah, king of Yahudah,
until the 11th year of Tzidkiyah, king of Yahudah,
until the exiling of Yerushalaim in the 5th month.

Jer. 36.9 -  A Fast Proclaimed
- Scroll of Yirm'yah read out loud
- 5th year of Yahoyakim, king of Yahudah
- 9th month 
Yirm'yah had a scroll prepared that contained his prophecies.
It was read out loud in The House of YAHWEH (The Temple).
- The king cut up the scroll and burned it in a fire. (Jer. 36.23)

Jer. 39.1 - Yerushalaim laid siege
- 9th year of Tzidkiyah
- 10th month
- Siege started.
Jer. 39.2 - City broken open
- 11th year of Tzidkiyah
- 4th month
- city broken open, people taken into exile.

Jer. 52.6 - Repeat of 39.2
- 11th year of Tzidkiyah
- 4th month
- 9th day
- this time the specific day is identified
for the capture of Yerushalaim and the start of the Exile
of the people of Yahudah
(Traditionally Judah, the people called Judeans
- from which came the term "Jew").

Note: The northern kingdom was called Yisra'el.
Yahudah was the southern kingdom.
This has caused much confusion because of the failure
to properly identify who lived where and the tribes involved.
The people are ALL "Yisra'elites".
Yet the northern kingdom was called "Samaritans"
- Properly, in Hebrew, these were Shomeronites.
The translators of our bibles
have done us a GREAT disservice by failing to
properly translate the language fairly and consistently.

Jer. 52.12-13 - Nebuzaradan burns Yerushalaim
- 19th year of Nebukadnetzar
- 5th month
- 10th day of the month
- Yerushalaim is set on fire
- The Temple of
YAHWEH is burned
- All the houses of the city are burned
- All the walls are torn down.
Note: This is a very important event.
It transformed the lives of the children of Yisra'el dramatically.

Jer. 52.31 - Yahoyakin released from prison in Babel.
- 37th year of exile
- 12th month
- 25th day
Note: This is not December 25.
It is the 12th month of the Hebrew year.

Ezek. 1.1-3 - Yehezqel's (Traditionally, Ezekiel) First Vision.
- 30th year (It's unclear to what this refers. It may be his age.)
- 4th month
- 5th day
Note: v. 2 states it was 
- the 5th day
- the 5th year of the captivity of Yahoyakin.
- He is in Babel beside the River Kebar.
- This is the vision of four "beings" having four faces.
- They are like "a wheel within a wheel",
with "eyes" all around their rims.

Ezek 8.1 - Another Vision
- 6th year
- 6th month
- 5th day
- Vision of a wondrous being with the appearance of fire (light).
Tehezqel is lifted by his hair and taken to Yerushalaim, to The Temple.
- He is shown the awful morally disgusting things
being done in The Temple of

Ezek. 20.1 - Elders come to Yehezqel for word from YAHWEH
- 7th year
- 5th month
- 10th day
YAHWEH refuses to give them a word of prophecy.
YAHWEH tells him he is to judge them
for their morally disgusting things.

Ezek. 24.1-27 - Yehezqel told to write down this day.
- 10th month
- 10th day
- The king of Babel has taken a stand against Yerushalaim
this very day.
- Woe is pronounced on Yerushalaim.
- Yehezqel's wife will be taken away.
- He is not to mourn or weep.
- He is an example of what will happen to the people of Yerushalaim.
They are about to lose their most prized Temple.

Ezek 26.1 - Word of YAHWEH
concerning the fall of Tzor (Traditionally, Tyre).
- 11th year
- 1st month
- Tyre will be destroyed because of their arrogance.

Ezek. 29.1 - Word of YAHWEH concerning Pharaoh and his fall.
- 10th year- 10th month- 12th day- Egypt will be destroyed
because Yisra'el has relied on them for help,
but they have failed Yisra’el.

Ezek. 29.17 - Word of YAHWEH concerning Babel.
- 27th year
- 1st month
- 1st day
- Egypt, Kush, Put, and Lud will be given to Babel.

Ezek. 30.20-26 - Word of YAHWEH, again concerning Egypt.
- 11th year
- 1st month
- 7th day
- Pharaoh's strength has been shattered.
- He will not recover.
- He will be given into the hand of Babel.

Ezek. 31.1-18 - Word of YAHWEH concerning Pharaoh's arrogance.
- 11th year
- 3rd month
- 1st day
- Pharaoh will be destroyed - for the third time.
- To repeat the prophecy of the destruction of Egypt three times
makes it absolutely certain.

Ezek. 32.1-16 - Word of YAHWEH concerning Egypt, again
- fourth prophecy
- 12th year
- 12th month
- 1st day
- Raise a lament concerning Pharaoh.
- Mitsraim will become a desolation.

Ezek. 32.17-32 - Word of YAHWEH concerning Egypt, a fifth time.
- 12th year
- 15th day
- we must assume it is still in the 12th month as in the previous verses.
- Prophecy of the mighty men of war
lying in The Pit of She'ol along with many other nations.

Ezek. 33.21-29 - Word came concerning Yerushalaim's destruction.
YAHWEH spoke to Yehezqel
concerning the disgusting acts done there.
- 12th year
- 10th month
- 5th day
- Yerushalaim is being destroyed because of their unfaithful acts

Ezek. 40.1 - Vision of The New Temple
- This continues for several chapters, with great detail.
It is not possible for us to fully appreciate what all this means.
Even if one were steeped in all the details of the first Temple
and the Hebrew cultural elements involved
we would have difficulty comprehending these details.
Suffice it to say that this WILL have great meaning one day.
- A rehearsal of The Appointed Times of
YAHWEH is included.

Ezek. 45.18-47.23 - Instructions for function in The New Temple.
- 1st month
- 1st day
- Beginning of the purification of The Temple.

Haggai 1.1-13 - Prophecy concerning re-building The House of YAHWEH
- 2nd year or Darius, king of Persia
- 6th month
- 1st day
- The land has been under
YAHWEH's hand.
He has brought it to ruin because of the unfaithfulness of His people.
Now it's time to restore The House of

Hag. 1.15 - Work started.
- 6th month
- 24th day (23 days later)

Hag. 2.1 - Word of YAHWEH to Haggai
- 7th month
- 21st day
YAHWEH asks what the people think of this new Temple.
How does it compare to the First Temple?

Hag. 2.10-23 Word of YAHWEH to Haggai.
- 9th month
- 24th day
- Question about things becoming defiled.
- Identifies a renewal is coming when the people return to

Zechariah 1.1-6 - Word of YAHWEH to Zekaryah (Traditionally, Zechariah).
YAH has been systematically removed
from these names in the English text?)
- 2nd year of Darius
- 8th month
- Call to return to

Zech. 1.7-6.15 - a long vision given with  many symbolic items.
- Restoration of Yerushalaim prophesied.
- Messiah, "The Branch" prophesied (3.8)

Zech. 7.1-8.23 - Vision concerning fasting and weeping
in the 4th and 9th months.
- 4th year of Darius- 9th month (identified as Kislev)
- 4th day
- More concerning the restoration of Yisra’el.

Esther 3.7 - Casting of Lots against Yahudeans in exile.
- 12th year of Ahasuerus, king of Persia and Media
- 1st month (Nisan)
- continued until the 12th month (Adar).
Haman, officer in the king's court believed
it was time to act against the Yahudeans.
He plotted to kill all of them.

Esther 3.12 - Scribes called to prepare an edict.
- 3rd year of Darius (this is not stated, but flows from the context)
- 1st month
- 13th day
- Scribes were called to the king.
- An edict was written and sealed with the king's seal.
- Runners were sent with haste to all parts of the kingdom.

Esther 3.13 - Date of slaughter set.
- 12th month
- 13th day
- Yahudeans were to be killed and their property plundered.
(Note: This is eleven months after the edict was written.)

Esther 8.9 - Scribes called for Mordecai.
- 3rd month (Sivan)
- 23rd day
- Mordecai has an edict written
allowing the Yahudeans to defend themselves.

Esther 8.12 - Day of Defense established
- 12th month
- 13th day
- Yahudeans allowed to defend themselves
and kill their adversaries.

Esther 9.1-9 - The day arrives.
- 12th month (Adar)
- 13th day
- Yahudeans assembled to defend themselves.
- 500 killed in Shushan
- Haman's sons killed

Esther 9.13 - The next day
- 12th month
- 14th day
- Yahudeans again granted the right to defend themselves.
- 300 killed at Shushan.
- 75,000 killed in the kingdom.

Esther 9-17-21 Two days set aside for rejoicing,
Adar 14 and 15.
Esther 9.26 - These days are called "The Days of Purim".
It means the days of the casting of lots.
They were established as a permanent "holiday".
They were never to be forgotten.

Ezra 3.8-10 - Levites designated
to oversee the work on The House of
after the return from exile inBabylon.
- 2nd year of their return
- 2nd month
- The foundation of The Temple was laid.

Ezra 6.15 - Temple Completed
- 6th year of Darius
- 12th month
- 3rd day

Ezra 6.19-22 - The Passover celebrated

- 1st month
- 14th day

Ezra 10.9-17 - Men assembled to rid themselves of foreign wives.
- 9th month
- 20th day
They began the process of divorcing their wives on
- 10th month
- 1st day
They finished this process on
- 2nd month
- 1st day

Nehemiah 1.1 - Nehemyah (Traditionally, Nehemiah)
- 20th year
- Kislev (ninth month)
- Nehemyah is in Shushan in Persia.

Neh. 2.1-8 Nehemiah asks to return to Yerushalaim to rebuild it.
- 20th year of Artaxerxes
- 1st month (Nisan)

Neh. 6.15 - Wall completed.
- Month of Elul (6th month)
- 25th day
-Wall rebuilt in 52 days.

Neh. 8.2 - People assembled
- 1st day
- 7th month (This is Rosh Hoshannah.)
- Ezra read The Torah out loud to the people.
- The people were taught the meaning of The Torah (8.7-8).
This continued on the second day (8.13).
- They discovered the instructions for Sukkot.
- They built booths.
- They celebrated Sukkot for seven days,
reading from The Torah each day (8.18)

Neh. 9.1 - Day of humility.
- 7th month
- 24th day
- They assembled with fasting, sackcloth and dust.
This was in agreement with The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur,
but it was not done on its proper day
since they had not known to do it then.

Neh. 9.38 - Renewal of the Sinai Covenant
After reading The Torah and confessing their offenses
they set their seal upon The Sinai Covenant
by means of affirming their intent to love
according to The Torah once again.
The exact day of this renewal is not specified.
It appears that it occurred at the end of The Feast of Sukkot,
perhaps on the eighth day.
This would be very appropriate.

2 Chronicles 5.3 - The festival of the seventh month
is generally accepted as being The Festival of Sukkot,
also known as The Feast of Tabernacles.
This is most appropriate since The Chest of The Covenant
YAHWEH is being brought
into The House of
YAHWEH, HIS Tabernacle.
Once again the exact day is not specified.
It was most likely the first day.
The people were to dwell in booths starting on that day.
It would make sense to begin this festival by bringing in
The Chest of The Covenant of
YAHWEH on that day.

2 Chronicles 7.10 - The people were sent to their tents.
- 7th month
- 23rd day

2 Chronicles 7.16 - YAHWEH declares
His Name will exist in this House until eternity.
His eyes and His heart will be there all the days.

2 Chronicles 35.18-19 The Passover of Yoshyah-18th year of Yoshyah.
- 1st month- 14th day- None like it since the days of Shemu’el

Note: there are no specific dates identified in The New Covenant books.
The closest thing to this is The Day of Shavuot
(Traditionally, Pentecost) in Acts 2.1.)
We know this was 50 days
after The Feast of First Fruits in the month of Nisan.
However, the specific day of a specific year is not revealed.

This concludes the listing of noteworthy dates identified explicitly in Scripture.
There is much to be gleaned from a review and consideration of these dates.
This forms a part of our history as The People of
whether from the tribes of Yisra'el
or from those who are of the faith of Abraham.

YAHWEH has given us these dates for a reason.
Ask Him to reveal His intent in doing this
so you can more fully appreciate what He has given to us in His Word.

NOTE These pages are a "work in progress". They're updated fairly often as new information or insights are provided that require a change in what's presented. Please check back regularly to see what may have changed since your last visit. Scripture verses used on the site are from The Aleph-Tav BibleThey're not always presented on these pages in exactly the same format as they occur in the text due to space considerations but the text is the same. Download or print your own copy today.  
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May YAHWEH speak to your heart and bless you with understanding as you explore His Word.